How can leaders ‘get out of the way’? An alternative look at bias

Leadership should be aimed at helping to free people from oppressive structures, practices and habits encountered in societies and institutions, as well as within the shady recesses of ourselves” – Professor Amanda Sinclair

‘This is actually quite good’, said a colleague where I worked as a manager a few years back. He was commenting on a letter I’d written on behalf of staff to the board of trustees. I heard the ‘actually’ loudly because to me multiple biases appeared at play. And demotivating as ever. Continue reading “How can leaders ‘get out of the way’? An alternative look at bias”

Workplace inclusion: listen up leaders, managers, and colleagues

Black Lives Matter: it’s time to do some of the work.

Here are 3 evidence-based practical considerations for workplace inclusion that arguably aren’t so well known. These pointers have emerged from doctoral research looking at the career progression (or not) of marginalised staff, such as racially minoritised women. Continue reading “Workplace inclusion: listen up leaders, managers, and colleagues”